A Panel System Designed by Nature

The EcoCocon innovative wall system is revolutionising construction by making the best of natural materials while ensuring healthy, comfortable, and energy-efficient living at the same time.


  • Wood fibre layer helps achieve Passive House standard in cold climates
  • Airtight diffusion-open membrane prevents heat-loss and ensures humidity transfer


  • Straw insulation made with multidirectional press technology
  • Load-bearing twin stud frame from sustainable forestry
  • Custom-made dimensions to fit any building design
  • Flat and homogeneous surface
  • Standard thickness 15.7″


  • Certified together with a humidity-regulating interior clay plaster
  • Compatible with a variety of standard interior finishes
The System
The System
The System
The System01
The System02
The System03

Insulation coefficient

R = 47 ft²·°F·h/BTU

Airborne sound insulation

54 dB

Fire resistance

120 min

Density of pressed straw

6.9 lbs/ft³

Natural & Healthy

Healthy Living Comes Naturally

EcoCocon panels are made of 98% natural renewable materials. Making them as close to nature as possible results in high indoor air quality with no harmful substances emitted. The entire system is vapour permeable – it allows the excess humidity to escape – and with no thermal bridges and airtight, it leaves no space for draughts or mould. Natural materials create a healthy indoor microclimate with even temperatures – warm in winter and cool in summer.

The System

Energy Efficient

Performance Hidden in Cells

Thanks to its unique cellular structure, straw has been used in construction for thousands of years. Combined with modern technology, we have succeeded in further improving its performance and achieved exceptional insulation properties. With no thermal bridges and easily achieved airtightness, reaching the Passivhaus standard has never been easier.

The System

Safe & Durable

Rely on Certified Quality

With more than 10 years of experience, our system fulfills the highest quality requirements, including the Cradle to Cradle and the German Passivhaus Institute certificate. EcoCocon ranked 4th in the first-ever global Product Innovation Challenge by the Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Institute and received an Innovation Award 2019 for “Regionally available and renewable materials”.

The System

Fast & Flexible

Build with Ease

Our system is prefabricated in a factory under rigorously controlled conditions, allowing for very high precision. This way the panels all fall perfectly into place and with no wet processes, the whole building can be assembled in very little time compared to traditional construction. With custom-made dimensions, our panels can fit any building design and provide architects with creative freedom.

The System